In early 2020, we announced the very first recipient of the Bentley Price Associates “Best of The Best” award. After nearly five decades in the hospitality and casino gaming business, our goal was to single out professionals in our industry whose careers have shown them to be the best. We had no idea it would generate such a strong response. Since that first award was presented to John L. James in September 2020, we realized that our industry is rich with talent in executive management.
As peer nominations began arriving in our email, it became evident that we were overlooking some very talented people in other key management positions. Beginning in August of 2022, we added two new categories to receive recognition.
Human Resources fuels the engine of any hospitality property. Nothing works without the right people, in the right places. In fact, Bentley Price Associates is most often working hand-in-glove with HR professionals daily. You may nominate a HR professional who holds the title of CHRO, SrVP, VP, or Director of Human Resources for this award. |
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Many of the best executives move up through the ranks in Food & Beverage. It is an essential sector of any property, and difficult to manage from employee relations to budgets. You may nominate a F&B Corporate Senior VP, VP, Director of Culinary, or Executive Chef for this monthly award. |
To learn more about this expanded program, visit our nominations page.