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If you are wanting to enter the Hospitality and Casino Gaming Industry, or are looking to expand your career, knowing the state of the industry is a must. Industry associations offer important resources for professionals.

Trade associations represent their industries as the face of how each industry operates and influences communities where they do business.

American Gamning AssociationThe American Gaming Association (AGA) describes itself as the single most effective advocate for casino operators, suppliers and allies in the gaming industry, which supports 1.7 million American jobs in 40 states. The annual G2E conference and expo brings together thousands of owners, employees, vendors and anyone with a stake in the business of casino gaming.

National Indian Gaming Assn 30 YearsOne of the fastest-growing sectors is among Native American-owned properties. The National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) incorporated in 1985, is an inter-tribal association of 184 federally recognized Indian Tribes united with the mission of protecting and preserving tribal sovereignty and the ability of Tribes to attain economic self-sufficiency through gaming and other forms of economic development.

American Hospitality and Lodging AssnThe American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) is the sole national association representing all segments of the 1.9 million-employee U.S. lodging industry, including hotel owners, REITs, chains, franchisees, management companies, independent properties, state hotel associations, and industry suppliers.

An initiative by the AH&LA focuses on putting women into front office positions. Women In Lodging is a community open to all members that offers resources, networking, and education designed to ensure women have the same professional opportunities as their male counterparts.  With two thirds of all hospitality management positions held by men, this segment is in need of everyone’s attention.

There are many groups that represent owners, operators and employees that are not unions or labor groups. Trade associations advocate for stakeholders.

Associations offer many resources—such as research papers and industry news—that do not require membership. However, some associations require full memberships or associate memberships. Career-related associations often have low-cost student memberships.

Bentley Price Associates supports organizations that provide resources to professionals in the hospitality and casino gaming sectors. Keeping an eye on the marketplace—knowing the ins and outs or your profession—is key to your future success.