(805) 686-1234 [email protected]
The Counteroffer Conundrum

The Counteroffer Conundrum

When you are fortunate enough to have gotten an offer to leave your current job, sometimes you find yourself having to make a tough decision—to stay, or to go. In my business as an executive recruiter in the hospitality/casino/hotel/restaurant industry, it is a common...
Keep Your Resume Fresh and Ready

Keep Your Resume Fresh and Ready

There has never been a better time to stack the odds of premium employment opportunities in your favor. Gone are the days of hotel recruiters and casino recruiters offering jobs at sub-par wages. Today’s employers know they have to offer top-level compensation and...
Take the Call: It Could be The Next Big Opportunity

Take the Call: It Could be The Next Big Opportunity

Finding the best talent in rapid-fire time takes a dedicated team in the professional hospitality recruitment business. That’s why as professional hospitality recruiters, growing strong professional relationships with all of our potential candidates is something...
Hot Job Categories in Hospitality

Hot Job Categories in Hospitality

In a recent New York Times report by Julie Weed, Michael Leidinger, chief technology officer with Hilton Hotels and Resorts, said his department added 140 technology-related positions in just the last two years. Leidinger said many college students are focused on pure...